Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Worth the Sacrifice

Received from my good friend, Amy:
I am issuing you a challenge. Join me in a campaign called "Worth the Sacrifice," where we'll eat nothing but beans and rice for 5 days, June 22-26. The money we would have spent on food will be given to God's work in Africa. At New Hope, we're giving it to Amazima Ministries. If you or your church doesn't support a child or ministry related to orphans, please log on to Amazima.org to see what God's doing in Uganda. If you're local, join us at New Hope for a beans and rice supper Friday June 26, and a blow-the-roof-off worship time with Epic, a band from the Navarre area.That's when we'll offer the money we would have spent on food for the week to the Lord. Pass this on to your friends, challenge your churches, let's see what the Body can do!

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