Monday, August 16, 2010

Corn Dogs, Mac 'n Cheese, and Allan

It's Monday and in addition to David trying to breathe and rest a bit after Sunday, getting music together for tomorrow night, making sure I have a craft for the Child 2 Child girls, washing a load of clothes, and teaching piano, most importantly it's "dinner with Allan" night.

I have to remind myself of that "most importantly" part, because Allan isn't always easy. David is probably the most awesome person I know when it comes to Allan. He always - always - sees Jesus in Allan. You have to understand that we are called upon by Allan to repeat phrases over and over. Most times it things like, "Sean, you're OUT!" Allan is a baseball fan and for some reason, Sean is always out. It's important that Allan hears us repeat what he says. I think that's because he's not heard that often.

This picture is pretty representative of Allan with Mick and Stevie. Allan is hyper. Mick and Stevie are hyper. Put the three of them together and you have one hyper young man not understanding why his exaggerated movements make the pups so active. I do have to say that Stevie, our sweet girl Airedale, will have Allan saying, "Awww...I love you!" David and I just smile at that 'til it hurts!

I'm not even sure how the every Monday night dinner with Allan happened. I'm thinking he was hanging around New Hope one Monday afternoon and I flippantly said, "Come eat with us!"...and that was that.

He's easy to please when it comes to food. Tonight he requested corn dogs and macaroni and cheese. There's not a whole lot easier than that.

1 comment:

MYstory of HIStory said...

This is one of your most beautiful posts ever :)