Lots of pictures because there was lots of activity going on. The thing to know here is that every thing done - every fabric glued, every paper folded - every single little thing - tonight was to further the cause of Jesus.
Wednesday nights are different every week. We have a core group of girls, and depending on circumstances we'll have less or more. Most times, there are more. When I'm prepared for it I love it. When I'm not prepared I...well, I still love it. Building up to it - not so much, but the actual time with them is great. I've learned one thing. The group may be small. They may be looked on from others as not old enough to make a difference, but Jesus looks on this group and says, "Well done." I'm sure He throws in a hug and kiss, too because that's what happens when real love comes around.
It's not about the size of the group. It's about the size of the heart. New Hope has heart...bigger than any mega church around. The mega church may give more money, but they'll never out give the heart of the people here.
I think much of that has to do with the kids themselves. I sometimes (not always!) think that parents jade their kid's thoughts on giving...on living the life of "the least of these." All I know, is that these kids, young and older (because we have some young adults that join us) have hearts that are pure...hearts that are loving and fixed on the Savior.
The kids made the journals tonight for the Full Belly Project. New Hope will come in Sunday morning and take a look at their handcrafted items and purchase the really cool crafts knowing that every penny will go to whatever Child 2 Child has chosen for the month.

Brittany & Danielle LOVED their journals. They bought theirs knowing that their money would go to the Full Belly Project.
1 comment:
They look awesome! Glad you got some use out of my tutorial!
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