Sunday, May 31, 2009

One small step for Henley; one giant leap for Great Danes!

Henley made his first trip to the backyard just now. Dave and Sean used a blanket to drag him to the door and I helped with the sling to get him to the grass. He walked with assistance around the backyard, peed and walked all the way back inside (even made it up the step into the house).

One thing he was doing this morning was this wild chattering of teeth - sounded like a woodpecker almost. It was hilarious sounding, but of course, I'm wondering if it was some sort of sign of something else. Dane folks - any ideas here, please post to the forum so David can pick it up.

Keep praying.


MYstory of HIStory said...

Hey Bunny, The daughter of our pastor & his wife has a Great Dane & she's a vet tech... I spoke w/ her today about you/Henley & she said I could give you her phone # if you'd like. If you want it just e-mail me at w/ "Henley" in the subject - & I'll reply w/ her phone #.

Bunny Wilson said...

You are so very - very - kind. I really mean that. Kindness is rare in this day and time so when I say that...

Thanks so much for the offer. Our associate pastor's wife is a vet and she dropped by yesterday to take a look at the swollen "hock" - she will come by again tomorrow. But, since your pastor's daughter has a Dane - if she has any insight at all, pls ask her to drop me an email He's doing better but still not putting his weight down on his leg.

People think we're nuts - we're just taking care of the awesome pup that God granted us the joy of caring for.

Grace & peace!

MYstory of HIStory said...

I'm happy to do something! But - not sure if she has e-mail ... I know kinda strange - but I'll try to find out tomorrow. She may be working & not get the msg til late. - her Dane's a sweet(!) BIG(!!) boy too :) My daughter dog sat for him recently & he's just so sweet