Wednesday, September 23, 2009

love like Jesus

Working with the girls in Child 2 Child has made me really stop and consider how to best teach them the way of living out Matthew 25:40: And the King will answer, "Whenever you did it for any of My people, no matter how unimportant they seemed, you did it for Me."

Kids have always been naturally materialistic I suppose, but it seems more prevalent today. It's hard for children and teens to realize that there are actually people just like them living in complete poverty. And, it's even harder for them to understand that their hearts should be breaking to the point of action because of it.

Here's an excerpt from a book I'm reading, One Million Arrows:
As believers, is parenting a more significant and eternity-impacting role than we've given it credit for? Are we satisfied with happy well-adjusted, even ambitious kids who happen to love God, or is there something more?

...I've realized that, in the grand scheme of life, more than just raising my kids to "keep the faith," I want to raise my kids to save lives...I want to raise kids who love like Jesus.

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