Friday, January 1, 2010

I love true happy stories

I love happy stories:

While shopping with a band member in Brisbane, Australia shortly before Christmas, the country hunk surprised a teenage musician by buying him a $450 guitar pedal on the sly.

"I look up and there’s Keith Urban and his band, which was quite a shock obviously,” says the music shop owner. “He spent about half an hour in the shop trying out guitars, and there was a kid sitting there trying out a fuzz pedal, which is an effect you get for a guitar. Keith came back down the counter and was chatting away and had picked out a guitar he liked. He had heard the kid trying out the pedal for some time and he just leaned over and whispered, 'How much is the pedal that kid’s looking at?' I said, 'It’s $450, it’s not a cheap one,' and he just whispered, 'Put it on my card.' Obviously I was quite shocked. I said, 'Do you want me to tell him?,' and he said, 'No, wait till I leave.'"

What a wonderful thing to do! Apparently the very surprised kid thought so too. "He looked at me several times blankly and sort of turned a bit white,” Tym said of the teenager's reaction to the gift. “After he settled down a bit he rang his dad on his mobile and said that Keith Urban had just bought him a Christmas present."

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